Rocklin Bed Bug Control

Residential & Commercial Bed Bug Exterminators

Bed bugs are a big problem that can spread quickly in homes and businesses. These pests can be difficult to eliminate and require professional treatment. At Pest Pros Pest Solutions, we offer bed bug control in Rocklin and the surrounding areas. Our technicians are experienced, licensed, and certified to solve your bed bug problem.

Call (916) 588-9345 to request an inspection and quote for bed bug treatment in Rocklin.

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs are small, and they are skilled at staying hidden during the day. They feed on human blood, and their bites can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Bed bugs are often found in hotels, but they can also be brought into your home in used furniture, clothing, and other items. It is important to know the signs of a bed bug problem, so you can call for bed bug control in Rocklin as soon as you notice the problem.

Signs of a bed bug infestation include:

  • Blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases
  • Dark or rusty spots of bed bug waste on your bedding or mattress
  • An offensive, musty odor from the bugs’ scent glands
  • Small, white bed bug eggs or empty eggshells
  • Shed skin from the bugs
  • Red, itchy bites on your skin

Bed bugs are most commonly found in your bed and other areas where you sleep. They are often found in the seams of your mattress, in the box spring, and in the bed frame. However, they can also be found in other areas of your home, such as the baseboard, behind loose wallpaper, in the cracks and crevices of furniture, and in the seams of upholstery.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs

Preventing a bed bug problem is much easier than eliminating an infestation. There are steps you can take to help reduce your risk of a bed bug problem. When you are staying at a hotel, always check the room for bed bugs. Look in the seams of the mattress, in the box spring, and in the headboard. If you see any signs of bed bugs, ask for another room that is not next to the infested room. When you get home, wash your clothes in hot water and dry them on high heat to kill any bed bugs that may have hitched a ride on your clothing.

When you are buying used furniture or clothing, check for bed bugs before bringing the items into your home. Look in the seams, cracks, and crevices of the items for signs of bed bugs. If you find any signs of bed bugs, do not bring the items into your home.

Bed Bug Treatment in Rocklin & the Surrounding Areas

Bed bugs are difficult to eliminate, and professional bed bug treatment in Rocklin is needed to eradicate the entire infestation. At Pest Pros Pest Solutions, we offer effective bed bug control services in Rocklin that are tailored to your property. We know where bed bugs hide and how to find them, so we can treat the entire infestation.

Our bed bug treatment process includes:

  • Inspection – The first step is to find out if you have a bed bug problem. Our technicians are highly trained and experienced at finding bed bugs and identifying the extent of the infestation. We will perform a thorough inspection of your home to locate the bed bugs and determine the best method of treatment.
  • Treatment – We use customized treatment methods to eliminate the bed bugs in your home. We may use a combination of methods to treat the infestation, including steam treatment, mattress encasements, and insecticides. We will also provide you with instructions to help you prepare your home for treatment.
  • Follow-Up – Bed bug eggs are resistant to many types of treatment, so it is important to schedule a follow-up treatment. We will schedule a follow-up appointment to treat your home and ensure the bed bugs are eliminated.

Our Rocklin pest control experts offer a variety of bed bug control services to meet your needs. If you need to get rid of bed bugs in your home or commercial property, you can count on us for effective treatment and exceptional service.

Do you think you have a bed bug problem? Call (916) 588-9345 to schedule a bed bug inspection in Rocklin.

Our Core Values

  • Whatever It Takes
    We stop at nothing to make sure your pest problem is solved.
  • Love People
    We continually strive to always do what's right by our customers and by each other.
  • Commitment to Personal Growth
    We grow personally and professionally to enhance our ability to serve you.
  • Genuine Connection
    We want to earn your trust and be the first pest control service you call.
  • Giving Back
    We believe that giving back to our community is an integral part of any business.

“All of the guys are great but Brian has been serving our 80 unit property and he has definitely made a difference!”

Vivian I.

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